Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First of the New Year

A year has passed since I wrote this and I still feel the same. I think we should party every now and again all year and not put it all off to the end.

What do you think?
1st of the New Year 2012
Dear Cassi,

Today was a day I felt like part of the scenery. As I worked at my station the world was partying down. Cider was passed about of which there was none by the time I came to work. These events of recklessness have never had a big appeal with my faculties.
No additional funds were allocated to the aftermath and the cleaning crew most certainly had a bad day of looking after the mess. May be I have too much a thought for the other folks who have to clean up after things, but why can’t we have fun without such extravagance?
I took my patrol that night after all the revelers were safely in bed to see the concrete pelted with glitter. As I walked I could hear the pop of celebration in the distance. There was the faint smell of gun powder in the air.
There was some satisfaction that I had gotten through the holidays without any great problem. There are times that all I want is the world to leave me in peace. The revelries of our world have little meaning without the cultured understanding of its ceremony.
The dawn of the New Year is supposed to be symbolic of rebirth and still how few greet it with a firm back and level head? We use that moment to end the celebration and for the next few weeks we eat the candy of the past festivals and keep getting fat.
Most of us are so drunk of the first of the New Year that we couldn’t keep our resolutions if we wanted to and the bulk of that lot can’t even come to work. I think this business is a joke but what can you do about it?

Stay safe, Cassi,

Richard Leland Neal

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