Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Boogeyman - Tommy

Love and Skill - John Ruskin

Thursday, October 19, 2017

101 Ways to Do Better in School: Book Review

"101 Ways to Do Better in School" is a rather outdated volume that brings back things that I was told in grade school that simply aren't true. In a way, this is a book about how to lead a better life that applied to the best logic of the 80's. 

This book was a fast read but had limited use in the modern times.  A good number of things in this book are common sense items like eating right and keeping yourself organized. 

I would have to point out that most folks who are organized probably already do well in school and most of us disorganized people are this way because we have too much going on in our lives. 

Who should read this book? People who don't know how to people. 

Books Read 34 of 5000

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Masquerade by Gayle Lynds Book Review

Masquerade by Gayle Lynds is a spy novel in the level of absurd passing that of James Bond. It revolves around a woman who has been surgically altered so perfectly that it would need to have been by the best surgeon who ever lived. 

She is used as bate for one of the most dangerous 
assassins who ever lived, but she isn't sure they have told her the truth.

Now, this wouldn't be a spy novel if they had told her the truth so it's kind of predictable in that regard. Further, the plot has more twists than a taffy factory.

Did I enjoy this book? Not really, it was hard to keep all the names in my head.  The plot was so twisted that it was difficult to remember who was working for who when and the text was less than engaging. This is the kind of book women read to escape a life of boredom.

Who should read this book? Women who want to be turned attractive and have sex with a spy.  

Books Read 33 of 5000

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

1994 Royals Yearbook Review

So, this is my only surviving yearbook from Jr. High School. There is very little I can say about it as there is almost nothing in the way of commentary. This book is just literally pictures with names. 

I have to say this brings back nothing but bad memories. My Jr. High was a hive of nasty and from what I'm told, people who live in the area can now hear the children, eleven to fourteen year old's, cursing as they walk home. 

Who should read this book: Just about no one unless you have one, and you want to look back on things. 

Books Read: 32 of 5000