Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Dead Marshes

Gollum leads the Hobbits down a hidden and unused path through this accursed land. The fetid pools of water entomb the spirits of soldiers long past. The Lights, as described by Gollum, entrance their victims and trap them underwater.

Mesmerized by one of them, Frodo is submerged and then saved by none other than Gollum.

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Monday, August 29, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Emyn Muil

These seemingly impenetrable hills are as confusing as they are vast. Devoid of vegetation or landmarks, they prove to be a barrier for the Hobbit pair who have been wandering in circles for days.

However, there is another lurking in the hills. Sensing that they are not alone, Sam and Frodo trick Gollum into attacking, hoping to capture their strange pursuer.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Shelving Shore

Postcard ImageThe Eastern side of Nen Hithoel is dominated by Amon Lhaw hill, upon which another ruined watchtower lies. Before the Hobbits, endless barren hills jut up.

Having followed Frodo, Sam is now by his side and together they must navigate this stone maze and reach the Black Gates of Mordor.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Seat of Seeing

Built on top of Amon Hen Hill, this fortification is a great watchtower of old. Once guarding the border of Gondor, now it lays forgotten and has succumbed to nature.

The corruption of the Ring touches all, Boromir is no exception. Running away from him, Frodo reaches the top of the hill. Here, with a heavy heart, Frodo understands that his path is a solitary one.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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Monday, August 22, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Parth Galen


Located on the Eastern side of Nen Hithoel, at the base of Amon Hen hill, this gentle strip of sand offers safe harbour to the exhausted members of the Fellowship.

Here they must decide how to reach Mordor: They may either move straight over land, continue on the river Anduin or make a detour to Minas Tirith.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Friday, August 19, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Nen Hithoel

This is a misty lake on the river Anduin, found just before the Rauros falls. Being once part of Gondor, the banks used to be fortified and held. Now, the stone buildings lie abandoned.

The Fellowship must moor now and decide which way they will approach Mordor.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Argonath

These two enormous statues, depicting the great kings of old, used to mark the Northern border of Gondor, Aragorn’s ancestral land. Gondor’s power and size has greatly diminished, the monument now marks the approach of the Rauros falls.

Amazed, the company looks upwards, allowing themselves a moment of awe.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Monday, August 15, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Anduin

Postcard Image Also known as the Great River, Anduin flows through most of Middle-Earth: from the Misty Mountains into the Great Sea.

While the company rushes downriver, the Uruk-hai Saruman awoke in Isengard are following them closely on the river banks.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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Friday, August 12, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Silverlode Hythe

Located on a strip of land just before the Silverlode river joins Anduin, this small port harbors elegant and light Elvish boats.

From here, the Fellowship embarks on a long journey down the Anduin, ever getting closer to Mordor.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Caras Galadhon

Meaning Fortress of Trees, this is the heart of the Silvan Elves’ realm and the house of Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. Surrounded by forest, this is a safe, but hermetic sanctuary.

Upon arrival, the Fellowship is welcomed by the Lady and Lord of Lórien themselves and Frodo realises that the voice whispering to him belongs to Galadriel.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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Monday, August 8, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Forest of Lothlórien

Under the protection and spell of Galadriel, this ancient forest is the home of the Silvan Elves. The Lady of the Light also planted here the Mallron trees which can be found at the heart of many Elven structures.

Led by Haldir and his wardens, the companions traverse the forest. Their feeling of safety is only dimmed by a mysterious voice some of them can hear and the feeling that something is amiss.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Friday, August 5, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Flet Outpost

Also known as a talan, these platforms were built on the branches of Mallorn trees and serve many purposes, from outposts and observation platforms to floors of buildings.

The Fellowship’s fate and path is decided here by their captor, Haldir. The Elf, sensing that Frodo is bringing a great evil into the forest, is reluctant to let them go any further.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Eye of Sauron - Mirrormere

Although Dwarven livelihood and culture is linked to the mountain, their legacy started in this lake. Close to the Eastern Gate, this is where Durin, the first of the Dwarves, looked into the waters and, upon seeing a crown above his head, took it as a sign and founded Khazad-dûm.

With grief burdening their hearts, the members of the Fellowship cross the waters on their way to Lothlórien, where they can be safe from Orcs.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

Monday, August 1, 2022

Neighbors from Hell

                                   1st November 2021

Hay Folks,


So you want a story about neighbors? Well, I got one for you. I was ten, my parents where divorced, my mother had just died. I was living in my mother’s house with my two older siblings. My sister was twelve, and my mentally ill brother was fourteen. From Friday night to Monday morning I had a parent, but on Monday my father would leave for work and spend the week with his wife.


With the head of the neighborhood watch living across the street no one called the police. This went on until I grew out of it. I’m forty one now and still live in the same house.


Now, the folks next door gave a lot of trouble to my mentally ill brother. He is very susceptible to sound, and they would thump their music all the time and have these late night parties with kids drinking. They would leave beer bottles all over my lawn. One time, around one thirty in the morning, my brother lost it and ran into their house and smashed their record player.


In a form of retaliation they shot one of my cats in the eye with a pellet gun. Then I had my other neighbor across the street who very likely killed at least four of my cats and my two dogs. He was connected with law enforcement so he got off with it, but you would think he, having ignored the child abuse I suffered, would have been falling all over himself to make it up to me.


Yeah, I got the neighbors from hell. There are days even I have trouble believing what kind of people they are. Then again, I’m an educated man. If you know much about history you would know that people can be evil, so why should the folks on my street be any different?





Richard Leland Neal