Thursday, November 30, 2017

Know of a Better - Bruce Bairnsfather

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Play With Us Book Review

"Play With Us" is a scholastic book that comes from a more innocent time in human history when children could play together without parents and not get kidnapped. 

It is similar to the old Dick and Jane books in that now you don't call people Dick unless you're upset with them. Why is this younger boy playing with even younger girls? Well, because back then little boys didn't have google or R rated movies. They didn't know anything about using their man bits and those girls were perfectly safe. 

Or it could be that back then you didn't talk about the bad things your children when through. My mother was surprisingly tight lipped about her life.

Now if you look at the artwork you'll see that it is superb, water color I believe, and overly suggestive for a children's book by modern standards. The little snots I grew up with would be laughing about this for days. 

In any case, I don't imagine you'll find a copy of this strictly scholastic book, and I'm not sure how it came into my collection. I wouldn't go looking for a copy of this one.

Who Should Read this Book? Those with clean mind. 

Books read: 36 out of 5000

Thursday, November 23, 2017

My First Book of Words Illustrated By Jan Palmer Book Review

'My First Book of Words' Illustrated By Jan Palmer is just what it says it is a group of illustrations with words attached. It's a book designed to help children learn the names of things. 

I will say that the lettering could be bigger and placed in a more uniform position that would aid in clarity and understanding. Still this book is a useful learning tool for those trying to teach their children. 

Then I will also need to point out that we normal call it a hot dog not a frankfurter. Then again the name is accurate and I guess I've always know what it was. 

Who should read thing book? Children Learning How to read.

Books read 35 of 5000