Friday, August 2, 2024

Horror Script or Novel

2nd May 2023

Hay Boss,

You’re looking for a horror script or novel and I have a horror script that I have also written as a novel. I don’t know why I answer these ads to be honest. I never get a reply but here goes.

I wrote “Walker In the Trees” in college under the direction of a film teacher. Starts off looking like a cabin in the woods slasher film before flipping expectations and pitting the slashers against an unknown force in the woods. There are limited characters and locations as well as supernatural elements.

You’re going to need to pull some camera tricks to get this to work. Think of a young Professor X fighting off some devil worshiping killers to save is twenty something friends, and you’re on the right track.

I have a few other properties that may interest you. “House Broken” is a dark comedy that involves super hero elements. There is singing, dancing, and drugs. The whole thing could be produced as a stage performance or filmed in my house. It would be a reflection on modern life for sure.

“Levi” is another script that I have that may interest you, but I don’t know if it could be done with your budget. It involves immortality, catfish-men, and Russian experiments.

The last director I worked with produced a good number of my short films until he spend four grand to be in a film with a porn star instead of paying me. We never made a full length film together because he never had the money, or so he told me. Once I got a good idea of what he liked and what his budget and resources were I could write a good deal for him.

I could likely do the same for you. If I don’t have a project you’re interested in then send me your filmography, and I’ll write something you do like. It may not be ready in time for this project but it could be for your next. It wouldn’t run you anything and if you don’t like that one I’ll still have another script to show people.


Richard Leland Neal

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