Friday, August 23, 2024

Convicts on the Outside

This is clearly an old cover letter responding to a job ad but without the ad something of context is missing. This is poor writing on my part. I should have written this so that anyone could pick it up and read it and then understand.


25th October 2023

Hi (HR),

I’m a security officer with more than ten years experience working with convicts on the outside. (Pickle) is a convicted felon and there is a woman doing thirty years after she broke a time clock over my face. You could say that I have an interesting relationship with the convicted felons of Southern California.

To add another layer to that I have a BA in Psychology, and I’ve spent six years working with the homeless. To say that another way, I’ve seen the felon at work, at their home, and in the streets. I’ve examined them, I helped them deal with their anger, and I’ve helped them look for jobs.

I’ve looked a real person in the face as I gave the testimony that would put them away knowing that they would just become a hardened criminal and likely spend the rest of their life in and out of jail.


Richard Leland Neal

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