Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In House Work

17th August 2024

Dear Movie People,

If I read your ad correctly you’re looking for a writer to come and do some in house work in Culver City. That’s a drive for me but manageable. It would more depend on how long you need me there and how many days a week. Do you have a finished script or just an idea? That sort of thing will be important.

Back in my college days I took a writing class at the CSU. The professor said he would send my work to a production company, and like a fool I believed him. Hollywood, am I right? Anyway, I turned in my first draft in three weeks. I had started from scratch when he told me that a horror movie was easy to get made.

After that we would have half hour meetings where he would give me notes. I’d have the next draft on his desk by morning. I’d wait a week or two for him to give me more notes then have the next draft on his desk the next morning. By the time finals rolled around I had an A in the class and would have already had a B in his second class “Rewriting the Screenplay” but he never sent anyone’s work to a production company.

I’ve had a few short films produced and I did comedy news for a YouTube channel but the director is still dragging his tail on giving me IMDB credit for all my work. I think we made something like three hundred videos together, but I got credit for twelve.

Most of my writing training is in live theater so I have a strong grasp of dialogue. My degree is in Psychology because writing is about human emotion and I wanted a strong understanding of it. In college I once took a theater class and a Psychology class in the same semester and for most of the time both covered the same topics.

As for your statement about not being someone looking for a quick paycheck, well, I’m looking to make a mark. This job would hopefully be the key to the next job, and I’d hope that if asked you’d speak well of me. They say that every work of art is a portrait of the artist.

How will we paint ourselves?

Richard Leland Neal

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