Monday, August 12, 2024

The War in Israel

31st October 2023

Dear Senator Padilla,

It comes to me that as a man you represent, I should voice my opinion on the war in Israel as it will impact a good deal of the world and your standing may shape the future. Israel is more than just an American ally. Israel is a voice for freedom and equality in a world of madness.

Make no mistake; Israel is not fighting against Palestine. Israel is fighting against Hamas, and Hamas is a terrorist institution that is as thick in the blood of Palestine as it is in the blood of the Jew. Before they tortured, sexually abused, and abducted the people of Israel they were doing the same to the people of Palestine.

The reports of torture of the Palestinian people by Hamas are aged and yellow in the archives of the free world. I’ll grant that the Palestinians tortured by Hamas were accused of collaboration with Israel, but torture is not a means of gaining information. Torture is a means of forcing a person to say what you want them to say.

Religious extremists have used torture to obtain confessions from the innocent for much of human history. The hatred of the religious extremist falls on all people of the world and so we must stand unwavering with Israel against Hamas. We must stand with the belief that all people have the right to believe what they wish so long as they harm no one else.

I stand with Israel for freedom in this world, and I know that if Hamas were to lay down arms, we would have peace. If Israel were to lay down arms, it would lead to genocide against the Jewish people not seen since the Second World War.

The bloodlust of Hamas will never be quenched. When they are not killing Jews they kill their own people, and if they had no Jews to kill, they would plot to kill Christians. Hamas is an enemy to be destroyed, but Hamas is not Palestine.

We may call ourselves a people at war, but this is a war to free the Middle East from tyranny and the people of Palestine from the oppression of Hamas.

With respect and honor,

Richard Leland Neal

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