Wednesday, August 21, 2024

In Regards to Monetization

29th July 2024

Hey (YouTuber),

In regards to monetization and your making six dollars for a video you spent hours on there are a few things you could be doing. Keep in mind that I’m not famous and a good day on YouTube for me is over a dollar. These don’t work for me because I don’t have the numbers, but they could work for you.

The first point would be channel memberships. If you go into YouTube studio you will find it under monetization. It took me less than an hour to set up channel membership, and I set up one level at the lowest price. If I had any members I would get ninety nine cents a month from them, but you can make more levels where you get more.

The question here, as you would put it, would be “is the juice worth the squeeze?” The answer would be “most likely”. This is something you’re going to do once and then it will have little more impact on your work. You could upload members only videos that you know will be demonetized but for the most part the work is negligible and the reward looks worth it. You do it once and it has lasting benefits.

Another point would be to start a free blog with Blogger/Blogspot. These are one and the same and they are already owned by Google. It should be no trouble for you to link your adsense account. Go to any video on YouTube and in the share tab you should find a white B in an orange background. Click this and it will take the video to Blogger.

By posting your videos in this manner you would get page ad revenue which will be far less than YouTube but will not impact your YouTube ad money and be harder for YouTube to take away. You would still get the same ad money from folks watching the video and more ad money from page views.

Is it worth it? I would give it a fifty/fifty shot. You’d need to set up the blog. You’d also need to make every post which could take some time. The coding is already done for you and the system is user friendly but it takes some getting used to. On the one hand, people make their living on blogger, on the other, most people using the platform don’t make much. 
There are any number of “it could be worth it” things that I could bring up but these are the best options from where I’m sitting. Maybe they work and maybe they don’t, but at least they’re something to think about.


Richard Leland Neal

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