Tuesday, December 2, 2014

National Geographic Vol. 1 Review

Book Review:1 of 5,000

National geographic vol. 1

Favorite quote issue: 1 page: 60 paragraph 1 The survey of the coast By Herbert G. Orden.

“To know these things only approximately will not suffice, for precision is practiced now in the art of war, as well as in the arts of peace.”

In reading this early text by The National Geographic Society I was first struck by the few images and dry nature of the words which made the reading hard. The vocabulary was different form modern day and more poetic and refined but still readable. The volume is much easier to get through if one clicks the “Read this Book Aloud” function in the upper right hand corner.

The articles describing surveying of land and waterways are of little interest given that they describe the quality of maps drawn but informative in how the explain the usefulness of an understanding of geography and navigation. Explained is the idea that safe navigation will make trade much more profitable and defense much more practical.

The jewel in the this collection of works was the article on the present and future of Africa which yields an understanding of slavery as it was practiced in 1888 and the barbarism there seen. If further describes the slaver practiced outside the United States of America, and this topic being missing from my education fascinated me.

I can recommend skimming this work rather than reading and picking out what is best and interesting.

Books read 1

Total Pages Read 335

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