26th January 2015
I had the
strangest dream today. I dreamed that a video game was taking over my computer.
It caused the computer to grow into the floor and leave purple and red patches
where it became one with the world.
I turned
the thing off, and it laughed at me then I unplugged it and this worked for a
time before people with a computer infection came after me. They were not
dangerous, even when armed with shovels and picks, and only served to annoy me.
I had the same infection which I could discern from the silver markings on my
skin. That was the telltale of computer sickness, silver bulges coming out of
your skin. I took an ax handle and struck at these silver bulges in my attackers
and so cured them of the sickness before returning to my computer and waking
I think
all this came as the result of eating pizza before sleeping. Cheese is known to
make the dreams lucid and that dream was very lucid. I can’t call it a nightmare,
because I wasn’t afraid and it wasn’t night when I dreamed.
along, I dropped Pickle off at his group then went to Costco to do my shopping,
where I had the pizza, and then picked pickle back up to take him home. He had
silver paint on his hands from his art group. On the way home I stopped at the
water store and got fresh water as we were running low.
I think
part of it was that I just had a very busy day. Well, dreams are how our brain
levels itself.
dreaming, little sister,
Leland Neal