Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wanderer Explanation

8th January 2018

Yeah, well, the wanderer explanation for my depression is just a hypothesis that’s not backed up by testing. I didn’t do all that well in Neuropsychology, but I found the subject fascinating.  I recall reading that hoarders hoard because when they see items more of their brain becomes active and hording may be a comorbid problem with me. My most recent hording behavior is books. I keep looking for free books on craigslist even as I haven’t read most of the ones I have. 

If we take it as true that more of my brain becomes active when I look at things that would explain a good deal of my behavior. It would mean that I take a global view of every situation or, to put it in the context of Kelly’s Construct Theory, my constructs are strongly connected. This would be true in my problem solving behavior as well.

Look at the situation with these cats and I. The best option will always be to reunite them with their owner. Their owner lost them because of poverty, so one of the things I did was try to help her find a job. That makes sense.  Another thing I did was respond to a craigslist ad requesting a “Gay themed” screenplay and offered to write the cat owner’s story as a film as she is a lesbian who lost her job because of a bad relationship. 

I would then give the cat owner half of whatever I made on the film. I never got an answer to that reply, but the idea is sound and clearly ‘out of the box’ thinking.

The classic example of my condition that I like to use is that if you say “paint” I think “eggs shell was used to thicken the paint Michelangelo used to paint the 16th chapel”. The connection is clear but why would you think that every time someone said paint?

Another great example would be how and why I’m intentionally extending the length of this email. The first reason is therapeutic. By recalling event surrounding my depression I’m activating my Hippocampus. This suppresses the Amygdala and weakens emotional response to memories. You should know this as ‘Systematic Desensitization’. The second reason is so that I can use this email as a blog post. I will likely come up with a joke or comic to go with it and then post it on my blog ‘Letters to Cassi and Other Folks’. The more I post the more likely I am to have followers, make money, and better my situation. Thus, you see that it’s kind of like multitasking.  

The higher level of composition needed for a blog post requires me to proofread the letter more reinforcing systematic desensitization and bettering therapy. The act of posting on a blog is an attempt at economic freedom alleviating the stressor.

Do you see what I mean? 

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