Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Two Horror Properties

18th August 2024

Dear Director,

In reading your ad for a horror film I can say I have two properties that may be of interest to you. To be fair, it’s hard for me to keep psychological elements out of my writing. My degree is in psychology.

The first script is “Walker in the Trees” which breaks down to a siege film, one location, but it does have a number of college age characters. In the first act we establish that the characters are going out to a cabin to party but there is a “grass man” in the woods. One character, who is just giving them a ride, is looking for the people who killed his sister. By the end of the first act he is left bleeding by the side of the road.

In the second act we see the killers have the party people captive and are about to start killing when the thing in the trees starts to pick them off. They can’t call for help because they would go to jail and they can leave because it’s out there.

Third act, we learn that the man looking for his sister’s killer is telepathic. We have hallucinations, ghosts, and a bigfoot like creature that can communicate with him. I’ve had people tell me that the script was very cool but hard to understand.

The second script is one that would need work as I wrote it for live production when suffering from sleep deprivation. I wrote “Levi” back in a college writing class and it’s hard to describe but it starts as a murder mystery and then evolves into a Sci Fi horror with science made monsters.

Most of the action takes place off camera but we would bring on camera everything that the budget will permit. It’s a grounded dark superhuman story that people will talk about.

I do have another script called “House Broken” but that is a dark comedy with singing, dancing and superheroes. This would all be one location and could be done under your budget, but I don’t think it’s a film you’d be looking for.

Finally, I have been kicking around a concept called “Empty, Hollow, Thud” which is inspired by a Psychological experiment I read about. This would simply involve placing a character in locations that change every time the three words are heard. Empty would place them in an empty lonely space. Hollow would place them in a confined space. Thud would give them some injury.

Each situation would get more perilous as the film went on, but this is just a concept and the idea would be to film this in locations we can find. It’s more of an art project kind of thing.

Best of luck in finding what you’re looking for,

Richard Leland Neal

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