Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Make Hate Un-American

31st August 2024

Dear Madam Vice President,

If there is one contribution I would like to make to your campaign and the American zeitgeist it is the slogan “make hate un-American”. Hatred has been on the rise since 2016. Hatred in America has become a fire fueled by ignorance and fanned by poverty burning away at the integrity of this nation.

I’m a Jew, under Trump they were vandalizing our temples and we lived in fear. I had a lawyer who volunteered as an armed guard at a Jewish temple before he died. Some temples even canceled there services if Trump rallies where happening nearby.

Now things have only gotten worse for my people. Angry mobs now hunt Jews in America. Violence against any group should be seen as un-American, but this world of hate is known to be the product of ignorance. Humanity hates because hate is part of our instincts. It was normal in prehistoric times to hate the other tribe, but now we need to move past that.

Now we should be more civilized and embrace the diversity that makes America so wonderful a nation. I like living in a world where I can have Mexican food for breakfast, Greek for lunch, and Italian for dinner.

Let’s make hate un-American. Let’s make hate the idea of the enemies of democracy and let’s remind this nation that we are all here to lead a better life and lead a free world.

God bless America,

Richard Leland Neal

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