Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Persons for a Better Future

1st November 2023

Dear, um, Persons for a Better Future?

It looks like what you want is a roundtable discussion about the state of the world and how we can improve it that you can tape and show folks. Sounds odd to me, I mean, there is so much wrong with the world and you’ve given me little as to what you want talked about.

Will we talk about the homeless, prison reform, education, wildfires? All of which are things that need talking about and all of them intersect and impact each other. Prisoners fight wildfires, become homeless, and need education. Better education should lead to less wildfires, fewer prisoners and less people falling into homelessness.

More to the point, employing the homeless in fighting wildfires should lead to fewer of them committing crimes to survive. This should lead to fewer prisoners and a better standard of living. Do I need to explain how that would impact education?

So, why include me, other than my being an underemployed American, and that I have skin in this fight for a better future? Well, folks say I’m well read on most topics. I have a degree in Psychology, and I’ve spent six years working with the homeless. I spent a few years working with ex-convicts as well.

If you want to ask me about windmills I can tell you about what happens when their decommissioned, talk about vertical blade options, and bring up how they should be implemented on both farms and freeways. If you want to talk about solar power I can go into the environmental impact of tower plants, the issues with most installation companies, and why the option isn’t working.

Why am I good for this workshop? I guess I’m about as good as anyone.


Richard Leland Neal

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