Monday, July 29, 2024


24th October 2023

Hay there YouTube People,

I’m an insane fat man trying to save the world. I linked my success to planting trees and cleaning the ocean so your request for collaborators may do some good for the world. I mention this often in my YouTube videos. However, this is of little interest to you.

My main thing is movie reviews on the YouTube channel ‘Random Street Theater’ and food reviews on my Blog ‘Richard Reviews Everything’. I had a stint as a comedy news writer and voice actor on Absurd TV. I have done comedy impersonations of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Rudy Giuliani. I also voice for Absurd TV two Russians, QAnon, two mice technicians, a Zoologist foot, the announcer, and an alien.


I stopped working with Absurd TV when they moved on to other content. I was working for free anyway, and the few hundred videos I wrote and performed in were never promoted so I got very little feedback.

As an actor, I have been compared to John Candy, Chris Farley, and Peter Griffin. I’ve been in a few short films and stage plays. I work the night shift so I normally can get to shoots during the day.

What I brought to the table with Absurd TV was a business minded drive to make the best videos at the lowest price. I like to make good use of what we have, and I was always trying to be sure the editor had something to work on because you never knew when he was going to have time to work.

I dropped their cost by ninety five percent and increased video output from twelve videos a year to well over two hundred. Now, they do shorts which they just don’t need me for. I did write shorts for them, but it just isn’t going to get monetized at the numbers they pull and so what’s the point?




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