Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Great Barrier Reef - Ribbon No. 10 Reef

Ribbon No. 10 Reef is the last of the Ribbon Reefs and the longest. The Vertical Gardens are between reefs No. 9 and No. 10, with steep walls separated by a gently sloping bay. Strong currents can interfere with diving, but the marine and coral life here is plentiful. Amongst the coral are several giant clams in blue, green, and even frilly ones with angelfish, pink anemonefish and the strange looking but vibrantly coloured nudibranchs (type of sea slugs) flitting about. Sometimes white tip sharks cruise on by looking for their next dinner.

About a third of the way up from the Vertical Gardens, I had the most delightful encounter with a group of three minke whales. The whale in the middle was small compared to the rest and might very well be a calf. Minkes are inquisitive whales and love swimming close to divers and checking them out. They are beautiful creatures with an upside-down smile and are easily recognised by their black-to-grey tops, white belly, and white stripes on their flippers.

Minkes were elusive creatures discovered only in the 1980s. Initially, they were mistaken for being orcas until further investigation identified them as a brand-new species. While they are the smallest species of the baleen whales, they can reach 26ft (8m) in length and weigh a hefty six tonnes. Minkes are filter feeders that usually feed in sub-Antarctic waters or open oceans when migrating to tropical waters. They have never been seen to feed in the Great Barrier Reef.

Swimming with minkes is an exceptional encounter that is limited to only about six weeks a year when they are passing through on their migratory journey. A marine biologist once described the experience as "people watching," not "whale watching," because it is up to the minkes to decide whether they want to swim with divers or not. As they gracefully glide nearby, I count myself lucky to have this interaction with them. What a special treat!

Can you find the minkes? Look west of Ribbon No. 10 Reef's southern end.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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