Friday, June 28, 2024

Great Barrier Reef - Cod Hole

Another major highlight along Ribbon No. 10 Reef is the internationally recognised dive site called Cod Hole. The site is located at the northern tip of the reef and is home to a group of potato cod, also known as potato grouper. The cod got its name from the large potato-shaped markings on its body. Between its thick pouty lips and sad-looking eyes, it’s no wonder it has such a brooding appearance.

Like the minke whales, the potato cods are very friendly and curious. They are used to divers visiting, especially when they bring treats. Growing to 8ft (2.5m) and weighing as much as 220lb (100kg), they are pretty photogenic. They don't shy away from being photographed with divers.

Let’s go diving with a local cod and hang out with a school of sweetlips. There are close to a hundred of them swimming in tight formations. One of the reasons for that is to confuse predators, making it difficult to be singled out and preyed upon. Sweetlips have great colouring with their white body, black stripes, yellow fins, tail, and lips.

As I explored the seafloor, I discovered a black sea cucumber, named thus because it resembles a cucumber. Members of the Echinoderm family that include starfish and sea urchins, sea cucumbers are soft and almost slimy in appearance. They have rows of tiny tube feet that help them with locomotion, and around their mouth, they have a bunch of tentacles they use to capture their prey. These funny little creatures breathe through their rear because that's where their lungs open to extract oxygen from water. When they want to protect themselves, they expel a sticky, thread-like substance to ensnare their predators. Although not dangerous to humans, they can irritate the skin if handled without gloves.

If you're up for a little look 'n find, see if you can spot a Bicolor Chromis, a small black fish with a distinctive white tail swimming below and to the left of the cod.

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