Friday, December 23, 2022

My Dear Cousin - Contract

1st June 2021

My Dear Cousin,

I guess this is getting a bit hard for both of us. I was reading through these letters yesterday, and I had to take a walk then I had to put them away for today. Family is a really sore topic for me and, well, I haven’t seen (Pickle) for a while.

I’ll tell you about that later, but this letter is still about him. It turns out that in addition to the bad experience we had with the remodeling he has had problems with contractors. 

I overheard (Pony Girl) saying that he had a window salesmen over to the house one day and signed a contract just because the man wouldn’t leave and he knew that would get rid of him.

(Pony Girl) had to get him and make him tear up the contract after telling him that (Pickle) wasn’t competent to sign it in the first place. Then there was that ridiculous coin collection of his. He had spent more than twenty thousand on it, from what I gather, then sold it all in a day, and I don’t know what he got back but not much.

Anyway, (Pony Girl) became his conservator after this last mess and he wasn’t supposed to spend more than two hundred dollars without her approval. I remember (Pickle) coming home from the court hearing and then him saying that the judge had told her she wanted too much power. That didn’t surprise me.

There was a time after this that he had asked me to take him to the store to buy a fan for his bedroom. I took him to the store and helped him pick the fan out. A week later he got in my face like he was ready to throw fists and yelled “next time buy your own fan!”

I looked at him like he had grown a second head and said “why would I buy a fan for your bedroom?” I mean, he had asked me to take him to get the fan, asked me to help him pick it out, and (Pony Girl) must have seen the bill and put the idea in his head that I had gotten him to buy the fan for me.

I did have three or four hundred dollars worth of fans around the house at the time. We have no insulation and this is California. Still, it comes to me that I should have told him to have his sister take him to the store to get that fan.

I brought this up with (Pony Girl) once and she said “I don’t remember what you’re talking about.” This is typical narcissistic behavior. The natural response to hearing that you nearly got your two brothers into a fistfight over a fan would be to ask what happened rather than dismiss it.

Where she not guilty and really didn’t remember it would have been more of a “what are you talking about” than an “I don’t care”. The always did laugh at my pain. I guess she’s still laughing.



Richard Leland Neal


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