Friday, November 20, 2020

Modern Day Fairy Tale

24th January 2020

Hello there, (YouTube Channel),

I just read your craigslist ad for a writer and watched some of your Fairy Tale Friday with the segment about Willy Wonka so far being my number one. I guess it’s the one I can relate to the best being a large man who has had to keep his hands off the sweets. I think cocaine would make me thin, but it didn’t work for Chris Farley did it?

In any case, you can see my writing credits on IMDB

And watch some of my work on AbsurdTV were I write and voiced many of the characters . Many of my jokes reflect politics or current topics, I was writing comedy news, but cursing and sexual comments were prohibited.

After watching a few of your shows I would say what jumps out at me is the teased story of the woman who sued McDonald’s for too hot coffee. It sounds like a silly thing, but someone’s grandma was in the hospital for eight days. A segment based on that would put the joke on the audience for having dismissed the news without looking further. Old light on a new topic.

Another idea would be to write a story about the crappy movie “Mortal Engines” likening it to Disney. The movie sucked and Disney eating up all the other studios and making the same movies over and over again sucks.

I wouldn’t mind writing a fairy tale about any modern political figure. The film “Underwater” could be likened to the finances of modern Americans. We are all under debt and some big monster, in real life he’s Orange and stinks, wants to take what little we have left. Give me a topic, I’ll write you a script.

I also think it would be funny as hell if I hosted and episode. I mean, I’m a big funny looking fat dude and we could do a Farley joke about it.


Richard Leland Neal


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