Monday, November 16, 2020

Dear Movie Person

24th January 2020

Dear Movie Person,

I’ve read your ad for a movie reviewer and I happen to be a critic on YouTube were I mostly review films. So long as I can make my videos it shouldn’t be an issue to write reviews of the same films and my videos can be linked or featured on your page. Not everyone likes to read, it may or may not bring you more views.

In any case, well let me write you a sample.

Tammy and the T-Rex (1994)

“Tammy and the T-Rex” may sound like a Saturday morning crap fest shooting for seven year olds, but in reality it’s a horror movie aimed at fourteen year olds who couldn’t get dirty pictures back in the 90’s. Not all of us had cell phones back then.

So, Tammy (played by Denise Richardson) is a way to hot cheerleader with a possessive boyfriend who won’t let her bang the captain of the football team. One night the boyfriend finds the football captain in her bedroom and then beats him and leaves him for dead where he is mauled by a lion, and then his brain is put in a robotic T-Rex by an evil doctor. No, I’m not making this up. This bizarre acid trip is really the premise for a movie.

Past that, you have two versions of this film. The PG-13, why did they make this movie and the R rated splatter fest now available on shutter are both versions you can see.

If you want to see a human head get crushed into steamed cabbage then the R rated cut is for you. If you want to see some boobs neither will settle your urge. “Tammy and the T-Rex” is a bonkers horror movie with gore enough but not a single boob and can be enjoyed only by those of us who love cheesy bad movies.

Watch only if you’re a fan of those kinds of films.

Okay, that took me about six minutes. In any case, If my work interests you drop me a line.



Richard Leland Neal


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