Friday, November 6, 2020

College Admissions Counselor

14th June 2020

My Dear Friends,

I have received an email regarding your open position for a College Admissions Counselor and noted that my BA in Psychology places me in eligibility for the post.  My experience as a working American having pulled myself through the two year college system and fought past a four year to get my degree makes me uniquely qualified for the job.

I can say that I’ve spoken to career counselors and college advisors, but never felt that they listened or were receptive to my needs. I was the fellow that walked into their office, showed them my transcripts, and walked out having been told that I wasn’t doing too badly, but having gotten no real help in terms of where to go next.

In my current occupation, I work as a security guard, and I often question new officers about what they want to do with their lives. I help them form a plan as the older and wiser to the younger and less experienced. I have to say, I made my mistakes, and I do my best to keep others from making them as well.

Now, you are offering a part time job, that requires weekends, but I work a full time job, and haven’t had a day off in a month. I work every day I can, if I have nothing to do I’ll be in uniform guarding a homeless shelter or a truck yard.

I can say my job as a guard will be there for me if I work for you. Extra days and short weeks, winter recess, and spring break I need do no more than pick up my phone and go to the app to see what hours my current employer needs me for. I can even ask to be left off the schedule and pick up shifts when they become available. I should have no trouble balancing my life.



Richard Leland Neal


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