Friday, November 24, 2023

Estrada Real - São Lourenço

Nestled amongst hills, São Lourenço is a built-up modern city with wide roads, high-rise buildings and a bustling city centre. It is renowned for its mineral springs and is part of the Minas Gerais Spa Circuit, a set of hydro-mineral resorts that includes Caxambu, a town on the Estrada Real just north of São Lourenço.

The Parque das Aguas was founded in 1936 and consists of nine natural springs each with their own therapeutic and medicinal properties. Within the park’s 430,000m² are several species of fauna from sweet little hummingbirds to toucans, herons and peacocks. Keeping my eyes peeled on the trees I could hear the Atlantic titi rustling amongst the branches. These small New World monkeys are endemic to Brazil. They are tree monkeys rarely found on the forest floor, keeping themselves safe from snakes.

Just like the heritage train and railway in Tiradentes, São Lourenço has its own steam locomotive referred to as Maria-Fumaça pulling passenger carriages on a scenic round trip to Soledade de Minas about 6mi (10km) west from the station. The ride travels close to Rio Verde and is quiet and tranquil, interrupted occasionally by guitar players who move between carriages to entertain the guests.

To wrap up my time in São Lourenço, I took a quick side trip outside of town to visit a quirky looking chapel known as Capela Nhá Chica. It is made entirely out of large mosaic pieces, including the busts and statues that adorn the chapel’s boundary and internal courtyard. The chapel is dedicated to Nhá Chica, a 19th century freed slave who devoted her life to the poor. Although illiterate, Nhá Chica set about gathering donations to build a chapel in her hometown of Baependi – about 15mi (24km) northeast from here – and gained a reputation for her wise counsel and effectiveness of her prayers. Living a dedicated and humble life, Nhá Chica was beatified in mid-2013, becoming the first Afro-Brazilian woman to be granted this status by the Vatican.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

The team at The Conqueror Challenges

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