Friday, January 6, 2023

My Dear Cousin - Get a Lawyer

14th June 2021

My Dear Cousin,

After the death of my old man it came to me that he had to have left an estate. Well, it came to me that as (Pony Girl) was his power of attorney she would have put all his money in her bank account and I would have been left high and dry. There was a living trust at some point so I was entitled to something.

I mentioned this to (Pickle) and a five thousand dollar check arrived in short order. I then asked for an accounting of the old man’s estate and was ignored. I then said if I didn’t get an account of my father’s estate I would need to consult a lawyer.

Somehow, I found myself talking to (Pickle) who was talking to (Pony Girl) over the phone. I said “am I getting an accounting or a lawyer?” (Pickle) said “she said ‘get a lawyer’”, and I did. It’s funny that the check for five thousand dollars went to the lawyer, and I may not have been able to retain one without that money.

(Pony Girl), of course, already had a lawyer who was doing her best to make my life hell. This was the same lawyer who ‘accidentally’ drew up paperwork to have me sign away my part of my home. I think I have the better lawyer being that mine specializes in estate law.

You should have seen the lawyer I hired. He volunteers as an armed guard at Synagogues. You would swear he’s Rodney Dangerfield’s brother. He has one hand that is missing a finger, but the old man is the kind of person that puts you at ease.

There is a part of me that felt a cold wind in my soul over all this, because I never believed that (Pony Girl) would take it this far. Well, no, I knew she would take it this far but never wanted to believe she would.

Some people, am I right?

Richard Leland Neal

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