Friday, December 8, 2023

Estrada Real - Barbacena

I made it to Barbacena, a mid-size city on the Estrada Real. Located in the foothills of the Mantiqueira Mountains, Barbacena is at an elevation of 3,727ft (1,136m), making it one of the ten highest cities in Brazil. Because of its elevation and cool climate, Barbacena is the most prolific flower producer in Minas Gerais, earning "City of Roses" as a nickname.

The city of Barbacena was founded in 1791 and by the 19th century it served as a distribution centre for the mining industry in Minas. When the railway extended beyond the city, Barbacena lost its position as a mining hub.

The surrounding area was agricultural, producing coffee, sugarcane, and corn. Today, it focuses on growing flowers, fruit and vegetables, and has two major textile factories.

The flower industry began in the 1950s by Italian and German immigrants. By the 1970s roses were exported to the US and several countries in Europe. When overseas importers defaulted on their payments, local exporters and suppliers went bankrupt.

A revival of the industry took place in the late 1980s with the start of a new company, founded by a German citizen who invested heavily in new technology, better irrigation, pruning and cold storage. The company took off and for a while was the largest employer in the city. By the mid-90s it closed its doors due to increased competition from neighbouring countries and Africa.

Fast forward to today and this time professional growers were recruited to train farmers in sustainable production and teach them how flower cultivation can be a profitable business. Next they upgraded all outdated technologies and processes, and started replacing underperforming rose varieties with better yielding ones. Finally, they reviewed their business management practices and reigned in their costs. With all these changes the flower growing industry is going through a revival once more.

In Barbacena, I rejoined the Estrada Real as the town is part of the Caminho Novo (New Path). Taking a southbound approach, I am ready to embark on the final leg of my journey and head for Magé in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

PS. Experience our virtual challenges in real life - The Conqueror Adventures

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