Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Happy Valkyrie Book

This is another Book review for a book that was being considered for publication. I didn’t care much for it, but I tried to be nice about that.
Some Time in 2014

Valkyrie Book

Okay, I’ve read up to chapter three (page 45) of (Valkyrie Book) and I can honestly say this book is well out of the range of things I should be reviewing. So I’m not going to give it a star rating and you should take into account that this isn’t the kind of book I’d read.

That said, the world is clear and accessible. I get what’s going on. The grammar puts me off some. There are a good deal of sentences starting with ‘but’ or ending with ‘it’, and after having it grilled into me not to do such things it bothers me. Still, this is a stylistic choice on the part of the author, and she can do what she wants.

In the space of the first three chapters everything comes very easy for the main character, and I think that’s how these stories tend to go. I’m reminded of the documentary “The Secret” when reading this storyline.

If I were to make any suggestions I would say to give the audience a reason to care about the main character. I mean, she isn’t in peril, her father wants her back but isn’t that intent on getting her, she’s living with some fellow who appears to be nice enough.

I could also go into a few logistical things like ‘how did she walk around with a sword with no one noticing,’ ‘why not just bump off a drug dealer for money,’ and ‘why didn’t she take a bag when she left home,’? but again I’m not sure any of that would be important.

All in all, you want to read a story about a girl having a good time this is for you. If that isn’t your bag then this isn’t for you.

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