Monday, December 16, 2024

How Do I Change My Vote?

29th November 2024


Dear Madam Vice President,


In the wake of you loss in becoming the president proper many an American is feeling the pain. It was reported that Google searches for “How do I change my vote” surged on Election Day implying that many Americans voted against you in protest but really wanted you to win.


I can tell you that even a man who voted for Trump in his first election came to me and asked “what happened” stating that he had been on your side. I wish you could be our president but the world spoke and the law listened. We can only brace for what is to come hoping we can survive.


As the party, and the country as a whole, staggers bag and prepares for the time to come what happened is still the question on everyone’s lips by my own. After all, I know what happened. America didn’t feel that the current party could see to their economic needs and the world, not just America, shifted its leadership.


The pain at the bank and the pain at the grocery store out shine the moral compos of the world. The sad truth here is that the Democrats are for the people but they all too often fail to understand the people. Changing that is what should happen in the next four years.


Find a way to save the struggling people of this nation, because in four years you can try again and more of us will be struggling. We need good leaders now more than ever before. We need people like you.





Richard Leland Neal


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