Sunday, August 31, 2014

Secret Cooking Society


Monday, August 18, 2014

To No One I know of

I found this blurb on my hard drive and have to trace it back to 2007 because of the reference to a man named Gabe. Other than that I can tell you that I was having my most trouble with women at the time and did a few things I have trouble remembering.

When I put this down I was seeing dragons in the dust I was so exhausted. No idea what I was referring to, but I still thought it was funny. Sadly, there is no way to make out who it was written for.

“Oh, yeah, I don’t do those sorts of thinks, so I would have no idea about them. That’s what I normally ask Gabe about and get an answer that helps marginally.

“Yet I find the statement very telling of how we Americans can’t get with it when relationships are concerned. We tend to try and communicate in connotation rather then normal speech and the problem is no one knows what the heck is going on until it’s too late. 

Drives me bonkers,

Richard Leland Neal”

Monday, August 4, 2014

An August Journal: Back Pay

I recall this night with some clarity as the Account Manager in question smelled like he had failed to shower of replace his undergarments in some time. Yes, my boss came to give me a back pay check and he smelled like crap when he did. Pay roll skimming had been an issue for some reason on this account and they expected us to believe it was all a misunderstanding.

I recall a story about a Guard who was given a pay increase by the client. The client came out and talked with the Guard and found that the increase was only half what had been allocated. This was the second time a major payroll ‘error’ came up that I heard about on this account.

I remember the Manager making a comment about uniforms. It was his responsibility to replace the uniforms of Security Officers. I recall him saying “You could go to the office,” which I took to mean that he felt it was my responsibility to replace the uniforms of officers that were not under my supervision. On this account I was the most senior S/O, be we had a site supervisor. That would mean that if I took it upon myself to look after the uniforms of the Guards I would have been overstepping my authority.

It is my impression, and only my impression, that the company felt if they had the charity to permit us to make them money we should be happy with what they gave us, and that they should give us as little support as possible.

The 9th of August 2006 
Today was a strange day. It was at two ten in the morning that the Roving Account Manager for (my company) arrived from my office to issue a check for my back pay. He stated that the client had given all my officers a fifty cent raise some time ago but that we have never received it.
This is a small boon to my officers, but it is good for morale and any raise is truly a good one. Moreover, this raise has prompted one officer to repay a small debt of nine dollars of which he insisted I take ten. It would appear as if we are then all in good spirits and the future is hopeful.      
This changes nothing of the fact that the totality of my labors are to remove myself from this job and life and, hopefully, to ascend. I find it necessary to remind myself of my goal in private life. That would be to establish myself as an educated man. To raise family and insure that this family has none of the misery that I have lived with these 26 years.