Friday, October 7, 2022

The Queen Mary - Solar Cells

23rd June 2021

Dear Mayor Garcia,

Another in my ideas for saving The Queen Mary would be to make the overall property “greener” with solar cells. Partnering with a major company would mean a joint commercial for the ship which would reduce promotional costs. Something along the lines of a commercial saying “The Queen Mary trusts so and so to power dreams. Shouldn’t you?’

Certainly we couldn’t put solar cells on the ship herself but on the parking structure and the gangways. Hit up companies like Tesla and see if we could get the cells donated and the billionaire on the other end of that conversation may just write a check to repair the whole ship.

One of the two big problems with keeping The Queen Mary hotel afloat is that you’re paying not just to keep up a building, but also an ocean liner that is well past its life expectancy. The added maintenance means that in order to make the ship turn a profit some amount of reducing her upkeep will be needed.

The goal would be to get so many solar cells in there that the ship can make some money off selling the power. It would also mean turning up the air in the summer to attract more patrons wouldn’t be out of the question. Making Mary a cool place to beat the heat would attract more people.

This won’t save The Queen Mary in and of itself. This is but one piece of a large puzzle that will take years to assemble. The only real guide we have is that every piece counts.



Richard Leland Neal

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