Tuesday, June 30, 2020

'Come! Let's Read with Sally and Friends' by William S. Gray Book Review


'Come! Let's Read with Sally and Friends' by William S. Gray is a set of 12 Dick and Jane booklets designed to help children build reading skills.

The booklets get progressively more difficult with longer sentences as you read until at the end they are almost normal.  Dick and Jane are noted for having odd sentences. "See dick run. Run, Dick, Run." is just not how people really talk. However, these are classic books that have been much loved and worked well. 

For the time, these have a wonderfully divers cast of characters and I'm sure children will love then now as they did back in the 50's when they where first published. My only complaint is that they are not made to be durable. 

Who should read this book? Everyone.

Books read: 728 of 5,000